Sunday, December 21, 2008

Keeping busy

To make good on my promise to brighten up the blog... I've been doing lots of stuff! Archery, wake-boarding and taking part in a concert!

Shall start with the last first... Dancescape concert!
Thank you very much Lester, Yien Mei, Joan, Huiran, Alwyn and Lydia (so cool to see you at the airport, hope your conference went smoothly)! Really very touched they came to support, hope it wasn't too boring for them. Also must thank my colleagues for coming =)

Must thank my brother too, I "volunteered" him to help out with the lighting and at the end of it all, he was heartily sick of the items! The items I liked were the ones I was not in (maybe not going through the dance made the dance looked more fun), I was in the "seafood" item and the modern item and the disco item. Ruodan took a photo of me backstage (without the terrifying "shin chan" eyebrows Adam delights in adding).
The process was hectic. Sometimes a bit aggrieved that laoshi is so fierce but it was his passion and I suppose the strictness drove us to do better. Generally I dislike performing but this performance was a way of thanking SFA, I think I would have been a lot more mopey without them around. (A lot of them 讲义气,a trait I admire immensely) I am glad that our paths crossed.

Still met up with other friends despite being busy with rehearsals, like Sinlong and Zibin. As usual, the fault with Zibin, is to disallow me from treating him ever! I really owe him lots of treats. He went doll hunting in Taiwan and bought 妈祖娃娃 souvenirs from Taiwan for my mother. Was pleasantly surprised at the effort =) See, I didn't want anything but my mother did so I casually told him if he has to get something for me, get the dolls for mummy and he did! Shall ambush a treat for him in future...

Tried wakeboarding with Sinlong, his friend Alex, his friend's cousin, Fangjing and his friend's cousin's friend, Yee Shin. Out of this motley gang, only Alex had any experience so we all approached the waters with some trepidation.

I needn't have worried because apparently girls get the hang of it easier because we're not as strong as guys! Sounds strange but true, the trick is to let the boat pull you up from the "toilet squatting" position and not tug against the bar. Also, smaller people with lower centre of gravity can balance better, so I think I got the easiest time! (Let me brag a bit, I got up on my 1st round 2nd try)
Don't know why the photos are so small. First one was the training bit on how to get up from the water, second one was me in the boat's wake (I'm really much bigger than that but the handphone camera and high boat speed made me a spot). Will definitely go again, waiting for SInlong to organize... lazy me!!!

Archery was a FREE session from the company's recreation club, so the cheapo in me could not resist!
The bow was heavy! My right arm was trembling after a few passes and my right eye was blurry from squinting. (Which indicates wrong usage, because apparently it's back muscles and less arm muscles) Usually the aiming eye is the hand you're more comfortable with but there was a guy there who was right-handed but his aiming eye was left!

How to determine the aiming eye:
1. Make a triangle with your both right and left thumbs and index fingers
2. Choose a target with both eyes
3. To test the right eye, shut the left eye
4. If the target stays in the triangle, then your aiming eye is the right; if the target moves out of the triangle, then your aiming eye is the left!
5. To double-check, repeat step 3 with the left eye open and right eye shut

For a newbie like me, the exciting part was all the interesting gadgets: the leather tab to prevent the arrow fletch from cutting the fingers when the shaft is released. Below is my result!

Not spectacular but quite respectable, with 2 in the bulls' eye!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Warring words

Sigh, I haven't returned here for ages and I saw rather uncomfortable comments.

Erm, I don't think they'll come back because I think I have abandoned this place pretty long. Although I don't quite know who is who, I hope nobody is too upset. I am sorry for the injuries, mine is bewailing the fact I'm not slim beautiful or cute!!! Anyway, I think actions are more important than words. Here's a quote from somewhere: We should believe only in deeds; words go for nothing everywhere.

I've been really painting someone really black but here's a place to vent my unhappiness. Assumed that nobody really visits, it's more like a place I could go through in the future to see how I grew and got over stuff.

Sure, I'm not kindly disposed towards Xianhong but I have made a conscious effort to find out if he's doing well, like I do for all my friends. I don't know his girlfriend but she is special to him and I have accepted that no matter how unfair I feel the treatment is, there is nothing I can do about it. Sinlong told me that guys treat the girls that they think special differently. So what I can do is can care about the people who care.

Shall try to post more cheerful stuff. Like my new haircut, which I got mixed reviews.