Saturday, May 31, 2008

Cute drawings

Have been rather depressed over the tragic news so I cheered myself up by following children's drawing books. I like these funny-looking wild cats, it's always entertaining to turn something monstrous into ridiculous stuff, wish I could do that in real life, turn melodramas into mellow-dramas =)

Well, here's a very simple drawing too which I dedicate to all the children in the Sichuan earthquake. Whatever happens, there is always hope left.

Somebody once told me I was naive to believe that simply looking at the bright side of things is all that really matters when dealing with problems. I guess most people think that cheerful and smiley me never had any troubles worth mentioning, which isn't true. I just choose not to let misery get the better of me usually (of course, I can be very negative at times, especially when I am hurt very deeply).

And I shall persist in looking at the good in most people and looking at the bright side, even if I am laughed at for being foolish or may get taken advantage of. I do not want to go about living in bitterness and viewing others with suspicion. Time heals all wounds, although scars remain, they are there to remind us of lessons learnt and not to remind us of the sadness.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Sichuan earthquake

Disasters, or hard times, sure bring out the best and worst in people.

I just watched reports on the Sichuan earthquake on Phoenix Chinese Channel and Sisy's World News. There were moving accounts: a little girl sang a childrens' folksong "Liang Zhi Lao Hu (Two Tigers)" to cheer her rescuers and forget her pain; a trapped grandma spent her last effort to throw her grandchild out of the wreckage; a badly injured little boy insisted he was not in pain ("wo bu tong! bu tong!") while being rescued; another child was smiling cheerfully when carried out of the wreckage despite broken legs and infected arms... I could not help but feel a burning sensation in my eyes.

There were also disgruntled villagers in remote areas, complaining loudly about late rescue efforts. I mean, I can empathize their unhappiness but when I see the amount of rubble the rescuers have to clear to even reach the danger zones, I thought the rescuers were already trying their best. There were rescuers who parachute down blindly to reach victims faster, which is extremely dangerous, because one is not sure where to land and some were hit by flying debris. Rescue efforts are further hampered by the stench of rotting corpses and possibilites of more cave-ins.

I am deeply touched by the brave children (some trapped for more than 80 hours) and dedicated rescuers (most who rest for about 2-3 hours before returning to work). They got me thinking if I could display such fortitude and selflessness if I were in the same situation. I don't know really, but I can and will try to always do the right thing. This thought was sparked by Dr Liang's reply, "Yes, but we're thinking how to help" to my, "We're so lucky to be safe here" on Tuesday.

So glad I am going to start work and earn money soon! My YEP (Youth Expedition Programme) to help poor students in Yunnan in 2004 made me decide to "adopt" needy kids through the Hope Foundation the moment I am financially independent, which means, some money would be deducted from my account every month to pay for the kid's wants. I think there is no greater satisfaction than to help a deserving fellow human being and feel their joy =) (i say deserving because there are some very bad or hopeless people around who make me feel like kicking their asses, oops!)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

Just had jazz class a few hours ago and we danced to this Timbaland's Apologize.

For some reason, I thought of mummy and my favourite aunt, Si yi (fourth auntie). They had a misunderstanding a while back and they're having a cold war that does not seem to be abating anytime soon. I feel really sad because I missed her and also sad that Mummy is sad.

Si yi is like a 2nd mummy to me. We have similar tastes and she advices me when I feel hurt that Mummy does not understand me sometimes. I also know under all the jokes and cheerful front, Mummy really misses her sister. But I think in that misunderstanding, some angry words were spoken that cannot be taken back and neither side is willing to apologize...

I thought to take the opportunity that Mother's Day presented to bury the hatchet between them by inviting her to a simple meal I cook to celebrate but the wall between them is too great.

Really wish things would be back to as they were before. Really want Mummy and Si yi, and everybody really, to be happy. But I know that's impossible no matter how hard I try but I will keep trying. Happy Mother's Day, I love you Mummy.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Bumming around

Hurray, exam over! I still have my FYP presentation though, gulp, but I don't really care anymore, in fact, I have been doing everything but studying during this period of supposed mugging.

For example, the hot and humid weather is impossible to study in. I keep dozing off on top of my notes so to counter that I study at the swimming pool (that is as small as a fish tank). A few laps, one exam question done, followed by another round of laps and the cycle continues until I finish a past year exam paper. As a result, notes I scribbled in class are smudgy from pool water and drool.

I have also been aimlessly surfing the net (Stunning news, technically inept girl surfing the net). This is a dance inspired by the Buddhist art in the Mogao Grottoes, also commonly known as the Thousand Buddhas Caves, off Dunhuang city. The dancers are all so flexible and pretty!