Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sheares Year 4 gathering!

Thank you Ruoling for inviting me to the event =) It was very fun and nostalgic. I wish I knew everyone better in Hall, I stayed for only a year but everyone was very warm and remembered me! Summer, Bona, Lifang, Zibin, Yip, Jianwei, Fangxi, Junsheng, Kaiyuan, Fulin, Ian, Abhishek, Chio, Gabriel, Zaihao plus others whose names I probably cannot recall... sorry, but I really am glad out paths crossed even for a short while.

Am in a reminiscent mood, shall show the very few pictures I have of me taken in Hall...

This is of me running the second leg of road relay which we won gold that year! I think I was about to collapse near the finishing line! Was very shocked that Guoyou (the photographer) entered it for some competition and that this photo was put up for 2 years in the dining area, maybe that's why a lot of times strangers wave to me in NUS and I smile shyly back.

If you don't know, the little one perched on Daniel's shoulders is me! This was during the Chingay Parade of Dreams 2006 because Sheares float won for Rag and Flag day in 2005 =)

I am really prettier than that (haha, hurry get a basin so the puke won't spill all over) but the 1st photo was too blurry, the 2nd I was pumping my legs out and 3rd I was covered with a very thick layer of gook!

Jokes aside, I do miss Hall despite some of the things I dislike about it such as the overbearing cheering and unsportsmen-like behaviour during Inter-Hall Games. I like most people (only one or two irritated me) and I really enjoyed myself, making friends, trying games and dance. I hardly went for supper though, being an earlybird, I was usually drooling on my textbook and notes when neighbours tried to jio me for supper! They could only close my door for me... so diu lian or embarrassing for me!

Haha, wish everyone all the best! May our paths cross again, I'd never forget the fun times we've shared (even if I forgot your name, or don't even know who you are)!

Monday, April 14, 2008

A very stressful birthday!

Many thanks to everyone who wished me happy birthday! I love the well wishes (and presents), they sure made a stressful birthday less dismal =) My birthday was mainly spent editing my FYP report. Haha, well, a birthday is just another day really, just like children's day, mother's day... because, if you are nice to that person the other days of the year, that one day doesn't really matter. Having said that, I am still especially touched when people remember my birthday!

Papa is such a fusspot, I told him no need cake and noodles le but he insisted. See, I'm his favourite! Whenever I say something's nice in a shop, he'll exclaim to get it, even if it is very expensive. Doesn't help that he's a shopaholic and vain dresser (beats me why a glutton is such a dandy)! Anyway, this mongolian song made me think of papa, mummy and me now (poor bro is all alone in Melbourne). It is written by a Mongolian singer for his daughter, he sang it with his wife, the pretty little girl is their niece.

This is the song the little girl wrote for her father in return. Also performed by the singer and his niece.

I know the stage get-up was very "tu" but I sincerely like the song! It combines family and nature, making me conclude that living on the wide plains or close to nature puts everything into perspective. Maybe that's why I prefer visiting the countryside rather than cities, standing in the field under the immense sky immediately expands the spirit. All petty problems are diminished, because they are so insignificant compared to the beauty around.

Birthday wish: to have some of that beauty now to chase away school work blues and of course, for everyone to be healthy and happy! (Shan't put up any photo, a giant pimple erupted due to stress, argh!)

Monday, April 7, 2008

Qing Ming in Penang

Finally went to Penang for Qing Ming to honour my departed paternal grandparents. I met my uncle, aunt, male cousin and family and female cousin's son. The little children were all very good-looking (my male cousin is a handsome fellow who reminds me a little of Junsheng and my female cousin's son resembles his handsome Japanese father, so I heard). Sob, I inherit the worse from my papa's side - short, stubborn, broad shoulders, hornbill nose and dark brown eyes!

When I was little, I disliked the Chinese custom of burning joss-sticks and paper which I perceived as polluting the environment plus it isn't part of Buddhism really. However, when I saw how much it meant to papa's peace of mind, I thought there isn't really any harm to humour him. Anyway, it's a good excuse to visit my relatives in Penang!

Sigh, didn't have a chance to take photo with them though. The only photo taken of me during this short trip was papa sneaking a photo of me gazing at some building while waiting for mummy. I kind of like it because it is rather idyllic, much like Penang. Next time I go, I'd bring swimsuit to bathe in the sea!

Friday, April 4, 2008

A sigh of relief

Don't know what this is? Let me enlighten you! This is a miniaturized cell stretcher -- clamp a silicone membrane with cells attached to it at the hole and the cylinder will plunge downwards (cyclically or statically, depending on requirements) to stretch the membrane, thereby stretching the cells!

This is my final year project and I am really relieved that after months of stressing over stresses in material and motor power, my design was finally manufactured and working pretty well =) However, I still need to do more calibration and the programming is presenting some trouble. Keep on going, keep on going, the end is finally near!

In my draft report I thanked all the manufacturers, PhD students and professors but did not thank all my wonderful friends for cheering me up and giving words of encouragement! So thanking them now. Ok, back to work (an odious word) and can't wait for this awful last semester to be over!

(wow, lots of exclamation marks... i must be really relieved or stressed? hmm...)