Saturday, May 3, 2008

Bumming around

Hurray, exam over! I still have my FYP presentation though, gulp, but I don't really care anymore, in fact, I have been doing everything but studying during this period of supposed mugging.

For example, the hot and humid weather is impossible to study in. I keep dozing off on top of my notes so to counter that I study at the swimming pool (that is as small as a fish tank). A few laps, one exam question done, followed by another round of laps and the cycle continues until I finish a past year exam paper. As a result, notes I scribbled in class are smudgy from pool water and drool.

I have also been aimlessly surfing the net (Stunning news, technically inept girl surfing the net). This is a dance inspired by the Buddhist art in the Mogao Grottoes, also commonly known as the Thousand Buddhas Caves, off Dunhuang city. The dancers are all so flexible and pretty!

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