Saturday, December 20, 2008

Warring words

Sigh, I haven't returned here for ages and I saw rather uncomfortable comments.

Erm, I don't think they'll come back because I think I have abandoned this place pretty long. Although I don't quite know who is who, I hope nobody is too upset. I am sorry for the injuries, mine is bewailing the fact I'm not slim beautiful or cute!!! Anyway, I think actions are more important than words. Here's a quote from somewhere: We should believe only in deeds; words go for nothing everywhere.

I've been really painting someone really black but here's a place to vent my unhappiness. Assumed that nobody really visits, it's more like a place I could go through in the future to see how I grew and got over stuff.

Sure, I'm not kindly disposed towards Xianhong but I have made a conscious effort to find out if he's doing well, like I do for all my friends. I don't know his girlfriend but she is special to him and I have accepted that no matter how unfair I feel the treatment is, there is nothing I can do about it. Sinlong told me that guys treat the girls that they think special differently. So what I can do is can care about the people who care.

Shall try to post more cheerful stuff. Like my new haircut, which I got mixed reviews.


Anonymous said...

hey! looks like ur life's been fun lately.. stay happy and busy! don't bother about the people who have no business in your life and don't care.. jiayou with your personal happiness, be it with your friends, family or other loved ones :)

Anonymous said...

to anonymous;
im supporting u and ur comments to those two is definitely a nice gal who treats her friends really gd n always bring back the smiles on their matter how sad she was, she wld still put on a smile and not letting any1 worries about her...where the hell on earth wld any1 find a gal as gd as her or even beta?? i doubt so...she is, of all the ppl i met, the nicest gal in this world!! last but not least to the weirdos out there who is trying or planning to hurt her emotionally, pls stop all this and let her go...she is hurtful enough and she merely just blogged her feelings in her own blog anyway...human and personal rights isn't it? well...just 3 words of advice with no offence for the weirdos; GET A LIFE!!


Anonymous said...

LOL. i bet the 2 anonymous here are the same person! this is so funny. Yes! get a life! :D