I like the British humour and the friendliness of the older people. The older people will smile and make cheery comments when meeting you, like a scholarly-looking guy saying, "Good jog!" to a panting and wheezing me. Once when Xianhong and I were walking to town centre when an old man wobbling precariously on a bicycle on the road shouted, "Hello there!" to us and an old woman trembling in the car behind him. The most amusing has to be this old couple in front of me in the queue in the market. The lady chattered non-stop while the guy munched on toffees before putting one in her mouth and said, "That'd keep you quiet."
The younger Britishers are not as friendly but just as funny. Like Lydia's lab mates who poked fun at their lecturer, saying the angle of his moustaches indicate his mood. Besides having droopy moustaches and thick spectacles, this lecturer is hard of hearing and there are hilarious moments when there are altercations between him (who cannot hear their answers) and students (who are shouting answers). Once a student answered a question not directed at him and told the lecturer, "I thought you were asking me from the reflection in your glasses."
The younger set love drinking. At the party to celebrate Mei's birthday on the actual day, one crazy dude who claimed the best feeling in the world is being drunk said, "Why do drugs when there's this!" pointing to the bottle of beer in his hand.
The morning after that party, I watched a rugby match between France and New Zealand on a plasma screen. It was really funny to see huge man-mountains crashing into each other and scrabbling for the ball. One guy from the French team had a beard and looked like a towering Gimli the dwarf from Lord of the Rings. The best player had to be Rokofoko from All Blacks, the New Zealand team, who danced past the French side twice to score. The New Zealand All Blacks is one cool team, they do the Maori's war cry, the Haka, before each match.

These enormas guys are tremendously fast and they really are enormas. I often see the rugby team in Loughborough swaggering down the road in front of the library (the boots make them look like that). These strapping lads are more than two of me, probably three, and getting rammed by them has got to be like a car banging into you!
Ok, back to boring books =(
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