I'm still learning by sitting in through boring meetings where people practice taiji and by following seniors around at work sites. I think I'm pretty lucky because most of the people in the office are really friendly and helpful, especially my project team members!
However, it was still a relief for the weekend to come. Not that it was restful, because I had saturday trainings and sunday was supposed to have a picnic with the wushu girls (+Hercules) at Bukit Gombak's Little Guilin. Unfortunately, it rained and we too lazy to get out, so had a pseudo picnic at Zhaoqi's garden!

The food we brought seemed more like a feast than a picnic. Zhaoqi's salmon salad, Biyun's huge squashy eclairs, Teresa's tasty cupcakes and delectable biscuits, my assorted sandwiches, Hercules' fresh and juicy fruits and Huijun's green tea. We were stuffed! With food and more satisfyingly, with each other's company.
Monday night I went out with most of the Loughborough exchange trip friends. I was a little upset at rushing off from a tiring day of work to find everyone much later than me but I cheered up when I saw everyone so glad to see each other.
While the others went off for a movie, Yuen Mei, Joan, Huiran and I had a wonderful girl chat. Surprised me really, as I was always rather quiet with them. We talked about dance, friendship and lasting romantic relationship.
The last was sparked off by Huiran commenting that she didn't find a particular suitor that funny anymore. I was very worried that she might end up deeply hurt like me and asked, "Do you really like funny guys?" I think that there must be other qualities... like for me, I must also be treated like a goddess or else showered with tons of gold! Sigh, guess I was never dear enough to be missed =(
Well, Joan was absolutely right that a lot of couples do not realize that an engagement is a lifelong promise already. Some people still think that don't like can always break-up without realizing the betrayal of trust. Perhaps I'm too conservative but I think Joan's approach is very complete. Her courtship involved family and friends, which is very ideal because these are the people who care for you and will celebrate your happiness.
Talking about people who care, I welcomed my brother home from Melbourne on Tuesday! Look at all the delicious goodies he brought back! I MISS my brother and I'll always do anything for him =)