Monday, July 7, 2008

Joking lightens work

Work is getting busier and I am learning quite a bit. However, it is a little unsatisfying to know that 4 years of mostly theories are not quite applicable in real life =( Maybe because I'm in the owner's route.

Let me explain a bit, for an engineer, there are 3 main routes: contractor, owner and consultant. Contractors focus on construction, bringing the design to life. Consultants do the designing. Owners mainly coordinate between the construction and consultants, more on project management and less technical. So I'm the owner, I get to ask loads of questions and boss others around... mwahaha!

Luckily, I have really nice colleagues who are always ready to share and joke. Just like today, Willy, a fellow fresh graduate and new employee, showed me slides and documents on his project, a scaled-down version of mine. I thought they were helpful and shouted at Stuart, my ang moh boss, joyfully for the same information when he came by.

"What do you want now?" his lanky frame makes unsuccessful shrinking into a less conspicuous bulk
"Willy has been showing me things!" me in excitement and innocence
"What has Willy been showing you?" looking at Willy in a pseudo aghast manner

Willy, anxious to appear nice and innocent, hurriedly showed Stuart the said information. Only later did I realize and laughed at how Stuart misconstrued my words. Ok, off to look at the information Stuart dumped onto me.

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