Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Eulogy to Hammie

Usually I would tickle Hammie's tummy a little before going off to work, but I can't do that anymore. I hope my colleagues won't ask me why I'm blue when I just had my convocation (Sunday, 13th July 2008), but I am because Hammie passed away on Tuesday, 15th July.

Hammie, you have brought me smiles somedays, tears on many, but I still give thanks for you entering my life.
How cute you look when you sleep in a little ball, suck from your drinking bottle and greedily plunge into your feeding dish. Nobody can look as cute as you doing pull-ups and sit-ups =)
All the trouble you caused by being noisy at inappropriate hours and being cranky in your old age will always be forgiven.
Maybe I should ask to be forgiven. I have been neglectful because I felt hurt to even look at you sometimes. Inanimate presents could be locked up and out of sight but not you who needs looking after.
Maybe you would be happier being looked after by another. I was mad when I heard a girl dumped a puppy she bought for an ex-boyfriend so I determined to care for you properly. Apparently I failed.
I hope you are in a better place now. With more food and freedom to run about, perhaps a cherubic angel or two stuffing you with pistachio nut bits that you love, with sparkling clear water to wash it down.
End of your life and end of a chapter of my life. Although I will always remember you, I really wish to forget the person closely connected to you who has brought me much sorrow.
Hammie, farewell for now. If we ever meet again in whatever afterlife forms, let us meet in happier circumstances.

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