Anyway, it was fun and meaningful, but sadly, no names and photos of the children I interacted with today because it is quite a sensitive issue. Anyway, volunteers just helped out the teachers with activities organised for the kids.
We did body painting, make bubbles, balloon crafting and cartoon screening. I drew on some kids... and got drawn on a lot! My arms were scrawled with crazy lines but it feels good to see some of them trying things for themselves. I feel really happy when they grab onto your hand, although that affection is fleeting, the warmth of the touch lingers.
Balloon crafting was new to me and I learned how to make a flower, rabbit and dog! Below is Siew Lian (my Lian sister in my division) and me, taken by Elsie (our group photo was too blur).

i just saw the facebook photos and comments of your ex... he's really superficial to pick a typical doe eyed-rebonded-hair kinda girl who seems rather brainless for a girlfriend
be glad u're rid of him
u deserve better.=)
hi anonymous. Please take off ur tainted glasses and wake up. Superficiality is reserved for the people who pass malicious judgement on others whom she hasn't a clue. If i were to size u up by ur stereotypical and righteous comments... u'd make a pathetic friend, she deserves better.=)
Hi Anonymous,
Are you like a fucking ugly guy? Look carefully, Who is prettier? and if you insist its still this blog owner then would really say you are a fucking ugly guy/gal with no taste. And btw, my looks is definitely better than you. :)
to xianhong: why are you even reading or leaving comments on yanlian's blog anyway? after all you've done, you should reflect on yourself instead of talking crap here. please, that's MY judgement and if you're not happy, that's your problem. and tell me, which part of "typical doe eyed-rebonded-hair kinda girl who seems rather brainless" is malicious? dare u say your lousy gf is not that?
what can i say, i'm so glad yl is not with you anymore, she deserves way better.
to xianhong's supporter:
you're definitely ugly, i've no doubt about that, and you are the one with zero taste. i'm not gonna debate who is prettier, and this is yanlian's blog - i'm not gonna let it escalate into a flame war. if you're not xianhong's supporter, go to his blog, not here.
Wow, so exciting here.
In the 1st place, Mr or Mrs Anonymous, since you are the blog owner's friend, why do you appear anonymous and pass on such comments saying others being brainless while you don even know her!?
You can freaking freely express own opinion and XH cannot? WTF Miss Tomboy or Mr Sissy, how stupid are you!?
And whats the problem you have regarding what happened btw XH and his ex. Its b/w them and not you and whats your business here!? Coming up here and putting other pple down and does not even reveal yourself.
Get a life, stupid idiot! Don do what you don want others to do to you!
Cheers! XD
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