Monday, March 17, 2008


Congratulations to NTU ACES , both senior and junior teams were spectacular clinching 1st and 3rd respectively! It sure was an eye-opener for Teresa and me and the primary school teams were adorable! Lixiang must be over the moon!

Anyway, Teresa told me some things Zhaoqi did for Huijun and I got quite upset. I really get very angry when people take advantage of my friends (e.g. this horrible boy asked my friend why her assets so small so I've squashed his every attempt to befriend me eversince and feeling vindictive pleasure I'm making him pay for his insult). Zhaoqi is so caring towards Huijun, visiting her once every 2 days + all the other help in the past, I don't understand how she could demand more, calling and wanting Zhaoqi to appear.

Maybe she's very upset and not thinking straight (I can't quite get angry at a friend). I really hope she doesn't chase away anymore people who care for her by being difficult. Haha, maybe I should relflect on myself. Towards the end of that relationship, I was so numb that I don't care what he did anymore.

Sigh, please get well soon permanently and fast, it's really very hard on so many people who care. See, FYP-stressed-Biyun, billion-activities-Lixiang, earning-tuition$$$-Zhaoqi and TE-&-family-oriented-Teresa made the effort to pop by and support her, there's so much love showered! Be strong!

Even if you don't believe in yourself, believe in me who believes in you! -- Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagaan

1 comment:

fernfreak said...

it's trying at times, but somehow worth it.