Yummy yummy!

My new top, my funny birthday card, lovely macarons, huijun's drawing, blow bubble set!
Bon voyage, Teresa! Take care of yourself in India, and remember to bargain as adviced: "400 rupees? i'll buy at 40!"
Zhaoqi, the earrings are lovely! Thank you for organizing and always there for everyone with your calm and comforting presence.
Jiayou, jiayou, jiayou, jiayou, jiayou, jiayou! Biyun and Hercules, we've only got this awful month to go before we're FREE!
Aren't you so lucky to have met us, Huijun? We're so fun to be with! And we're always trying to be there for each other, a looong and true friendship!
Don't forget to play bubbles and piggyback me k, Lixiang, you promised!!! Okok, dun stress you le, know you have lots of commitments so glad that you came today =p Coming up are Junyuan and Zhaoqi's birthdays, MUST come k!
So happy to read these well-wishes!
Whatever life brings us next, we'll always have these beautiful memories with us! Makes me think a little of this song, rather melancholic but I like it very much and I connect it with very dear friends... enjoy =)
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